Goodbye repetitive tasks
Stefan Holzleithner, 03.02.2021
RO-RA Aviation Systems has managed to exploit the possibilities of robotic process automation (RPA). Repetitive office tasks are becoming more and more automated, allowing our highly skilled employees to concentrate on more strategic tasks.
Robots at manufacturing sites have become very common in the last few years. They work reliably around the clock and can be adapted for different tasks by skilled workers. At RO-RA 75% of the machining centres are already automated, whereas the office operations lag behind. For this reason, RPA is used to free up the resources of many employees in the office for more challenging tasks.
To automate office processes economically, there used to have to be a large number of business cases with little variance within them. This was solved by using ERP or CRM, which are commonly used tools in the industry today.
RPA pushes the boundaries of economically automatable processes towards more automation. Figure 1 illustrates the situation.

The process automation tool „PowerAutomate“ from Microsoft offers these possibilities via a low-code approach and usage of User-Interface-Elements. This means that even employees with only limited programming experience can automate their own processes. PowerAutomate also integrates perfectly into our ERP system, the Dynamics 365 architecture.
An initial lighthouse project was carried out with our design department, in which we automated several parts of a release process. The programmed RPA-Bot saves about one and a half hours of worktime per week, free to use for more valuable tasks. It showed the possibilities of this new technology in our organisation and follow-up projects were initiated.
To put it in a nutshell, we automate low skill office-tasks, to gain time for further improvements of our processes and to increase customer value. This was just the start of our journey in automating our processes and will bring us closer to the goal of a digital enterprise.